different color for positive and negativ values

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different color for positive and negativ values

Post by mdtrader » Thu Apr 18, 2019 6:19 am

how can I achive to color a line in the bottom panel like the CVD with different colors for positive and negativ values? I tried "Indicator.setColor(...)" but this colors the whole line, the second try was to use 2 indicators with different colors and a AxisGroup and use one for the positive values and the other for the negativ ones but the problem is how can I hide the negative indicator if the values positive because it draws a zero value and the same for the other indicator?


Andry API support
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Re: different color for positive and negativ values

Post by Andry API support » Thu Apr 18, 2019 10:07 am

Hi Mario,
I think your v.2 is great. You can hide a line drawing a point with a Double.NaN value. So if you draw a line and place a Double.NaN point the line gets invisible right after this point. I hope I got you right. Please take a look at the module code attached. This is a simple price deviation line. After every twentieth point the lower line changes the upper line. Hope that looks similar to what you want. If not, I'll need some more details.

Code: Select all

package com.bookmap.api.simple.simplified;

import java.awt.Color;

import velox.api.layer1.annotations.Layer1ApiVersion;
import velox.api.layer1.annotations.Layer1ApiVersionValue;
import velox.api.layer1.annotations.Layer1SimpleAttachable;
import velox.api.layer1.annotations.Layer1StrategyName;
import velox.api.layer1.common.Log;
import velox.api.layer1.data.InstrumentInfo;
import velox.api.layer1.data.TradeInfo;
import velox.api.layer1.messages.indicators.Layer1ApiUserMessageModifyIndicator.GraphType;
import velox.api.layer1.simplified.Api;
import velox.api.layer1.simplified.AxisGroup;
import velox.api.layer1.simplified.CustomModule;
import velox.api.layer1.simplified.Indicator;
import velox.api.layer1.simplified.InitialState;
import velox.api.layer1.simplified.Parameter;
import velox.api.layer1.simplified.TradeDataListener;

public class PositiveNegativeValuesMD implements CustomModule, TradeDataListener {
    private Indicator upper;
    private Indicator lower;
    private Indicator lastPriceDeviation;
    private int pointCount;
    private boolean isUpward;
    private double startingPrice = Double.NaN;
    private AxisGroup group = new AxisGroup();

    @Parameter(name = "upper")
    Color lineColorUpper = Color.RED;
    @Parameter(name = "lower")
    Color lineColorLower = Color.BLUE;
    @Parameter(name = "deviation")
    Color deviationColor = Color.WHITE;

    public void initialize(String alias, InstrumentInfo info, Api api, InitialState initialState) {
        upper = api.registerIndicator("Upper", GraphType.BOTTOM);
        lower = api.registerIndicator("Lower", GraphType.BOTTOM);
        lastPriceDeviation = api.registerIndicator("Deviation", GraphType.BOTTOM);

    public void stop() {

    public void onTrade(double price, int size, TradeInfo tradeInfo) {
        if (Double.isNaN(startingPrice)) {
            startingPrice = price;
        if (pointCount % 20 == 0) {
            isUpward = !isUpward;
        lastPriceDeviation.addPoint(price - startingPrice);
        if (isUpward) {
            upper.addPoint(price - startingPrice + 5);
        } else {
            lower.addPoint(price - startingPrice - 5);

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Re: different color for positive and negativ values

Post by mdtrader » Thu Apr 18, 2019 12:42 pm

this works like a charme, thanks

Andry API support
Posts: 553
Joined: Mon Jul 09, 2018 11:18 am
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Re: different color for positive and negativ values

Post by Andry API support » Tue Apr 23, 2019 3:15 pm

pls have a look at this example of using core API. This is another price deviation line but it is a line drawn in two colors for values >0 or <0.
It is hugely based on MarkersDemo, I just changed some things and neither do I think it handles many aliases correctly so please use over no more than one.
If launched as a project, it should be in RunConfigurations -> ClassPath tab -> UserEntries
If exported in a .jar, place it in C:\Program Files\Bookmap\lib

Code: Select all

package velox.api.layer1.simpledemo.devmarkers;

import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.GridBagConstraints;
import java.awt.GridBagLayout;
import java.awt.Insets;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.function.Consumer;

import velox.api.layer1.Layer1ApiAdminAdapter;
import velox.api.layer1.Layer1ApiFinishable;
import velox.api.layer1.Layer1ApiInstrumentListener;
import velox.api.layer1.Layer1ApiProvider;
import velox.api.layer1.Layer1CustomPanelsGetter;
import velox.api.layer1.annotations.Layer1ApiVersion;
import velox.api.layer1.annotations.Layer1ApiVersionValue;
import velox.api.layer1.annotations.Layer1Attachable;
import velox.api.layer1.annotations.Layer1StrategyName;
import velox.api.layer1.common.ListenableHelper;
import velox.api.layer1.common.Log;
import velox.api.layer1.data.BalanceInfo;
import velox.api.layer1.data.ExecutionInfo;
import velox.api.layer1.data.InstrumentInfo;
import velox.api.layer1.data.MarketMode;
import velox.api.layer1.data.OrderInfoUpdate;
import velox.api.layer1.data.StatusInfo;
import velox.api.layer1.data.TradeInfo;
import velox.api.layer1.layers.strategies.interfaces.CalculatedResultListener;
import velox.api.layer1.layers.strategies.interfaces.CustomEventAggregatble;
import velox.api.layer1.layers.strategies.interfaces.CustomGeneratedEvent;
import velox.api.layer1.layers.strategies.interfaces.CustomGeneratedEventAliased;
import velox.api.layer1.layers.strategies.interfaces.InvalidateInterface;
import velox.api.layer1.layers.strategies.interfaces.Layer1IndicatorColorInterface;
import velox.api.layer1.layers.strategies.interfaces.OnlineCalculatable;
import velox.api.layer1.layers.strategies.interfaces.OnlineValueCalculatorAdapter;
import velox.api.layer1.messages.GeneratedEventInfo;
import velox.api.layer1.messages.Layer1ApiUserMessageAddStrategyUpdateGenerator;
import velox.api.layer1.messages.UserMessageLayersChainCreatedTargeted;
import velox.api.layer1.messages.indicators.DataStructureInterface;
import velox.api.layer1.messages.indicators.DataStructureInterface.TreeResponseInterval;
import velox.api.layer1.messages.indicators.IndicatorColorInterface;
import velox.api.layer1.messages.indicators.IndicatorColorScheme;
import velox.api.layer1.messages.indicators.IndicatorLineStyle;
import velox.api.layer1.messages.indicators.Layer1ApiDataInterfaceRequestMessage;
import velox.api.layer1.messages.indicators.Layer1ApiUserMessageModifyIndicator;
import velox.api.layer1.messages.indicators.SettingsAccess;
import velox.api.layer1.messages.indicators.StrategyUpdateGenerator;
import velox.api.layer1.settings.Layer1ConfigSettingsInterface;
import velox.api.layer1.messages.indicators.Layer1ApiUserMessageModifyIndicator.GraphType;
import velox.colors.ColorsChangedListener;
import velox.gui.StrategyPanel;
import velox.gui.colors.ColorsConfigItem;

@Layer1StrategyName("Markers demo Devi")
public class Layer1ApiMarkersDeviDemo implements
    Layer1ApiInstrumentListener, OnlineCalculatable,
    Layer1IndicatorColorInterface {
    public static class CustomTradePriceEvent implements CustomGeneratedEvent {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
        private final long time;
        public double lastPrice;
        public CustomTradePriceEvent(long time, double lastPrice) {
            this.time = time;
            this.lastPrice = lastPrice;
        public long getTime() {
            return time;
        public Object clone() {
            return new CustomTradePriceEvent(time, lastPrice);
        public String toString() {
            return "[" + lastPrice + "(V)]";
    public static class CustomTradePriceAggregationEvent implements CustomGeneratedEvent {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
        private final long time;
        public double lastPrice;
        public CustomTradePriceAggregationEvent(long time, double lastPrice) {
            this.time = time;
            this.lastPrice = lastPrice;
        public long getTime() {
            return time;
        public Object clone() {
            return new CustomTradePriceAggregationEvent(time, lastPrice);
        public String toString() {
            return "[" + lastPrice + "(A)]";

    public static final CustomEventAggregatble CUSTOM_TRADE_EVENTS_AGGREGATOR = new CustomEventAggregatble() {
        public CustomGeneratedEvent getInitialValue(long t) {
            return new CustomTradePriceAggregationEvent(t, Double.NaN);

        public void aggregateAggregationWithValue(CustomGeneratedEvent aggregation, CustomGeneratedEvent value) {
            CustomTradePriceAggregationEvent aggregationEvent = (CustomTradePriceAggregationEvent) aggregation;
            CustomTradePriceEvent valueEvent = (CustomTradePriceEvent) value;
            if (Double.isNaN(aggregationEvent.lastPrice) || !Double.isNaN(valueEvent.lastPrice)) {
                aggregationEvent.lastPrice = valueEvent.lastPrice;
        public void aggregateAggregationWithAggregation(CustomGeneratedEvent aggregation1,
                CustomGeneratedEvent aggregation2) {
            CustomTradePriceAggregationEvent aggregationEvent1 = (CustomTradePriceAggregationEvent) aggregation1;
            CustomTradePriceAggregationEvent aggregationEvent2 = (CustomTradePriceAggregationEvent) aggregation2;
            if (Double.isNaN(aggregationEvent1.lastPrice) || !Double.isNaN(aggregationEvent2.lastPrice)) {
                aggregationEvent1.lastPrice = aggregationEvent2.lastPrice;
    private static final String INDICATOR_NAME = "Deviations";
    private static final String COLOR_NAME_UPPER = "Color Upper";
    private static final Color UPPER_DEFAULT_COLOR = Color.GREEN;
    private static final String COLOR_NAME_LOWER = "Color Lower";
    private static final Color LOWER_DEFAULT_COLOR = Color.RED;
    private static final String TREE_NAME = "Custom Events Tree";
    private static final double DEVIATION = 20.0;
    private static final int TRADES_NUMBER = 10;

    private Layer1ApiProvider provider;
    private Map<String, MarkersDemoSettings> settingsMap = new HashMap<>();
    private SettingsAccess settingsAccess;
    private Map<String, String> indicatorsFullNameToUserName = new HashMap<>();
    private Map<String, String> indicatorsUserNameToFullName = new HashMap<>();
    private Map<String, InvalidateInterface> invalidateInterfaceMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
    private DataStructureInterface dataStructureInterface;
    private Object locker = new Object();
    private double lastIndValue;

    public Layer1ApiMarkersDeviDemo(Layer1ApiProvider provider) {
        this.provider = provider;
        ListenableHelper.addListeners(provider, this);
    public void finish() {
        synchronized (indicatorsFullNameToUserName) {
            for (String userName: indicatorsFullNameToUserName.values()) {
                provider.sendUserMessage(new Layer1ApiUserMessageModifyIndicator(Layer1ApiMarkersDeviDemo.class, userName, false));
    private Layer1ApiUserMessageModifyIndicator getUserMessageAdd(String userName,
            IndicatorLineStyle lineStyle, boolean isAddWidget) {
        return new Layer1ApiUserMessageModifyIndicator(Layer1ApiMarkersDeviDemo.class, userName, true,
                new IndicatorColorScheme() {
                    public ColorDescription[] getColors() {
                        return new ColorDescription[] {
                                new ColorDescription(Layer1ApiMarkersDeviDemo.class, COLOR_NAME_UPPER, UPPER_DEFAULT_COLOR, false),
                                new ColorDescription(Layer1ApiMarkersDeviDemo.class, COLOR_NAME_LOWER, LOWER_DEFAULT_COLOR, false)
                    public String getColorFor(Double value) {
                        if (value < 0.0) {
                            return COLOR_NAME_LOWER;
                        } else {
                            return COLOR_NAME_UPPER;

                    public ColorIntervalResponse getColorIntervalsList(double valueFrom, double valueTo) {
                        if (valueTo <= 0) {
                            return new ColorIntervalResponse(new String[]{COLOR_NAME_LOWER}, new double[]{});
                        } else if (valueFrom >= 0) {
                            return new ColorIntervalResponse(new String[]{COLOR_NAME_UPPER}, new double[]{});
                        return new ColorIntervalResponse(new String[]{COLOR_NAME_LOWER, COLOR_NAME_UPPER}, new double[]{0.0D});
                }, Layer1ApiMarkersDeviDemo.this, lineStyle, Color.white, Color.black, null,
                null, null, null, null, GraphType.BOTTOM, isAddWidget, false, null, this, null);
    public void onUserMessage(Object data) {
        if (data.getClass() == UserMessageLayersChainCreatedTargeted.class) {
            UserMessageLayersChainCreatedTargeted message = (UserMessageLayersChainCreatedTargeted) data;
            if (message.targetClass == getClass()) {
                provider.sendUserMessage(new Layer1ApiDataInterfaceRequestMessage(dataStructureInterface -> this.dataStructureInterface = dataStructureInterface));
                Layer1ApiUserMessageAddStrategyUpdateGenerator message1 = getGeneratorMessage(true);
    public void onInstrumentAdded(String alias, InstrumentInfo instrumentInfo) {

    public void onInstrumentRemoved(String alias) {
    public void onInstrumentNotFound(String symbol, String exchange, String type) {

    public void onInstrumentAlreadySubscribed(String symbol, String exchange, String type) {
    public void calculateValuesInRange(String indicatorName, String alias, long t0, long intervalWidth, int intervalsNumber,
            CalculatedResultListener listener) {
        String userName = indicatorsFullNameToUserName.get(indicatorName);

        switch (userName) {
        case INDICATOR_NAME: {
            List<TreeResponseInterval> result = dataStructureInterface.get(Layer1ApiMarkersDeviDemo.class, TREE_NAME,
                    t0, intervalWidth, intervalsNumber, alias, new Class<?>[] { CustomTradePriceEvent.class });

            double lastPrice = getValueFromEvent(result.get(0));
            for (int i = 1; i <= intervalsNumber; ++i) {
                double price = getValueFromEvent(result.get(i));

                if (!Double.isNaN(price)) {
                    lastPrice = price;
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown indicator name " + indicatorName);
    public OnlineValueCalculatorAdapter createOnlineValueCalculator(String indicatorName, String indicatorAlias, long time,
            Consumer<Object> listener, InvalidateInterface invalidateInterface) {
        String userName = indicatorsFullNameToUserName.get(indicatorName);
        invalidateInterfaceMap.put(userName, invalidateInterface);
        TreeResponseInterval result = dataStructureInterface.get(Layer1ApiMarkersDeviDemo.class, TREE_NAME, time, indicatorAlias, new Class<?>[] {CustomTradePriceEvent.class});
        final double startValue = getValueFromEvent(result);

        switch (userName) {
        case INDICATOR_NAME:
            return new OnlineValueCalculatorAdapter() {
                private double lastValue = Double.isNaN(startValue) ? 0 : startValue;
                public void onTrade(String alias, double price, int size, TradeInfo tradeInfo) {
                    if (alias.equals(indicatorAlias)) {
                        if (alias.equals(indicatorAlias)) {
                            lastValue = Double.isNaN(lastValue) ? price : (lastValue + price) / 2.;
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown indicator name " + indicatorName);
    public StrategyPanel[] getCustomGuiFor(String alias, String indicatorName) {
        StrategyPanel panel = new StrategyPanel("Colors", new GridBagLayout());
        panel.setLayout(new GridBagLayout());
        GridBagConstraints gbConst;
        IndicatorColorInterface indicatorColorInterface = new IndicatorColorInterface() {
            public void set(String name, Color color) {
                setColor(alias, name, color);
            public Color getOrDefault(String name, Color defaultValue) {
                Color color = getSettingsFor(alias).getColor(name);
                return color == null ? defaultValue : color;
            public void addColorChangeListener(ColorsChangedListener listener) {
        ColorsConfigItem configItemUpper = new ColorsConfigItem(COLOR_NAME_UPPER, COLOR_NAME_UPPER, true,
                UPPER_DEFAULT_COLOR, indicatorColorInterface, new ColorsChangedListener() {
                    public void onColorsChanged() {
                        InvalidateInterface invalidaInterface = invalidateInterfaceMap.get(INDICATOR_NAME);
                        if (invalidaInterface != null) {
        gbConst = new GridBagConstraints();
        gbConst.gridx = 0;
        gbConst.gridy = 0;
        gbConst.weightx = 1;
        gbConst.insets = new Insets(5, 5, 5, 5);
        gbConst.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
        panel.add(configItemUpper, gbConst);
        ColorsConfigItem configItemLower = new ColorsConfigItem(COLOR_NAME_LOWER, COLOR_NAME_LOWER, true,
                LOWER_DEFAULT_COLOR, indicatorColorInterface, new ColorsChangedListener() {
            public void onColorsChanged() {
                InvalidateInterface invalidaInterface = invalidateInterfaceMap.get(INDICATOR_NAME);
                if (invalidaInterface != null) {
        gbConst = new GridBagConstraints();
        gbConst.gridx = 0;
        gbConst.gridy = 1;
        gbConst.weightx = 1;
        gbConst.insets = new Insets(5, 5, 5, 5);
        gbConst.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
        panel.add(configItemLower, gbConst);
        return new StrategyPanel[] {panel};

    public void addIndicator(String userName) {
        Layer1ApiUserMessageModifyIndicator message = null;
        switch (userName) {
        case INDICATOR_NAME:
            message = getUserMessageAdd(userName, IndicatorLineStyle.SHORT_DASHES_WIDE_LEFT_NARROW_RIGHT, true);
            Log.warn("Unknwon name for marker indicator: " + userName);
        if (message != null) {
            synchronized (indicatorsFullNameToUserName) {
                indicatorsFullNameToUserName.put(message.fullName, message.userName);
                indicatorsUserNameToFullName.put(message.userName, message.fullName);
    public void acceptSettingsInterface(SettingsAccess settingsAccess) {
        this.settingsAccess = settingsAccess;

    private MarkersDemoSettings getSettingsFor(String alias) {
        synchronized (locker) {
            MarkersDemoSettings settings = settingsMap.get(alias);
            if (settings == null) {
                settings = (MarkersDemoSettings) settingsAccess.getSettings(alias, INDICATOR_NAME, MarkersDemoSettings.class);
                settingsMap.put(alias, settings);
            return settings;
    protected void settingsChanged(String settingsAlias, MarkersDemoSettings settingsObject) {
        synchronized (locker) {
            settingsAccess.setSettings(settingsAlias, INDICATOR_NAME, settingsObject, settingsObject.getClass());

    public void setColor(String alias, String name, Color color) {
        MarkersDemoSettings settings = getSettingsFor(alias);
        settings.setColor(name, color);
        settingsChanged(alias, settings);

    public Color getColor(String alias, String name) {
        Color color = getSettingsFor(alias).getColor(name);
        if (color == null) {
            switch (name) {
            case COLOR_NAME_UPPER:
                color = UPPER_DEFAULT_COLOR;
            case COLOR_NAME_LOWER:
                color = LOWER_DEFAULT_COLOR;
                Log.warn("Layer1ApiMarkersDemo: unknown color name " + name);
                color = Color.WHITE;
        return color;

    public void addColorChangeListener(ColorsChangedListener listener) {
        // every one of our colors is modified only from one place
    private Layer1ApiUserMessageAddStrategyUpdateGenerator getGeneratorMessage(boolean isAdd) {
        Layer1ApiUserMessageAddStrategyUpdateGenerator generator =  new Layer1ApiUserMessageAddStrategyUpdateGenerator(Layer1ApiMarkersDeviDemo.class, TREE_NAME, isAdd, true, new StrategyUpdateGenerator() {
            private Consumer<CustomGeneratedEventAliased> consumer;
            private long time = 0;
            private double initialPrice = Double.NaN;
            boolean upper = false;
            int uni = 0;
            public void setGeneratedEventsConsumer(Consumer<CustomGeneratedEventAliased> consumer) {
                this.consumer = consumer;
            public Consumer<CustomGeneratedEventAliased> getGeneratedEventsConsumer() {
                return consumer;
            public void onStatus(StatusInfo statusInfo) {
            public void onOrderUpdated(OrderInfoUpdate orderInfoUpdate) {
            public void onOrderExecuted(ExecutionInfo executionInfo) {
            public void onBalance(BalanceInfo balanceInfo) {
            public void onTrade(String alias, double price, int size, TradeInfo tradeInfo) {
                        if (Double.isNaN(initialPrice)) {
                            initialPrice = price;
                        if (!Double.isNaN(price)) {
                            if (uni % TRADES_NUMBER == 0) {
                                upper = !upper;
                        double add = upper ? +DEVIATION : -DEVIATION;
                        double lastValue = initialPrice - price + add;

                        Layer1ApiMarkersDeviDemo.this.lastIndValue = lastValue;
                                new CustomGeneratedEventAliased(new CustomTradePriceEvent(time, lastValue), alias));
            public void onMarketMode(String alias, MarketMode marketMode) {
            public void onDepth(String alias, boolean isBid, int price, int size) {
            public void onInstrumentAdded(String alias, InstrumentInfo instrumentInfo) {
            public void onInstrumentRemoved(String alias) {

            public void onInstrumentNotFound(String symbol, String exchange, String type) {

            public void onInstrumentAlreadySubscribed(String symbol, String exchange, String type) {

            public void onUserMessage(Object data) {
            public void setTime(long time) {
                this.time = time;
        }, new GeneratedEventInfo[] {new GeneratedEventInfo(CustomTradePriceEvent.class, CustomTradePriceAggregationEvent.class, CUSTOM_TRADE_EVENTS_AGGREGATOR)});
        return generator;
    private double getValueFromEvent(TreeResponseInterval treeResponseInterval) {
        Object object = treeResponseInterval.events.get(CustomTradePriceEvent.class.toString());
        if (object != null) {
            return ((CustomTradePriceAggregationEvent) object).lastPrice;
        } else {
            return Double.NaN;

Code: Select all

package velox.api.layer1.simpledemo.devmarkers;

import java.awt.Color;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

import velox.api.layer1.settings.StrategySettingsVersion;

@StrategySettingsVersion(currentVersion = 1, compatibleVersions = {})
public class MarkersDemoSettings {
    private Map<String, Color> colors;
    public Color getColor(String name) {
        if (colors == null) {
            colors = new HashMap<>();
        return colors.get(name);
    public void setColor(String name, Color color) {
        if (colors == null) {
            colors = new HashMap<>();
        colors.put(name, color);

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