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Double Click for Trade Order

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 2:45 pm
by horacio

I am new on the platform, and learning the ropes here.
I know that the platform is designed for speed, but it has happened very often to get orders trigered by accident.
I would like to have a feature in the software, to toggle between "single click trading" (like your software behaves now), and a safer "double click trading" (where you are require to double click to trigger an order). 

Hope this helps other traders as well. It will certainly help clumpsy people like me, specially when trading from a laptop touchpad.


Re: Double Click for Trade Order

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2020 3:24 am
Agree that double-click would be a nice option.  Also, for example, as an option in the "orders" column.  That column allows mouse actions to be defined for placing orders, but it's pretty limited (only right click/left click).  Double click would be a good option (as opposed to, say, ctrl-click or shift-click).